Monday, September 29, 2014

Unwritten rules


photo credit: <a href="">sean dreilinger</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

The last week has brought me many new lessons.
The meltdown challenge week

I have lots of education and experience working with students in a positive supportive environment.  This past week, however, I was tested like I've never been tested before.  I had two separate occasions where students were very angry and even insubordinate during class.
I am trying to create a successful learning environment for all of the students.  It is hard to do that when you have an openly hostile student.  I did have to call in back up in one instance.  Calling in back up though made me feel like I couldn't my classroom and I felt like I had failed somehow. 
I have read all the paperwork on the students (IEPs and BIPs) and I've consulted with the teachers of record, but I feel ill-equipped to handle the melt-downs. 

I need to know the unwritten rules.  Who do you call and when?  Do administrators frown upon you when you call in back up support?  What works?


  1. Interesting problem. The problem you mention is one that I often run into as an Instructional Coach at the elementary school where I fill that role. I'd love to chat more with you about this. There are so many resources at your disposal. It's not a bad thing to call in support, but I feel your pain. It's almost like admitting you couldn't handle the problem yourself. There are indeed some problems that take more than one adult to handle, and yet for the problems that you might take on yourself and resolve, it'd be nice to feel like your toolkit was full. I can help you with that any time - it's what I LOVE to do!

  2. Thank you Jeannie! I know you are a wealth of information from having you in class and reading your posts. I would love to find some time to pick your brain.
